
We are grateful for your donations, which will help us continue to spread the word about natural burial in the Methow, and establish partnerships that will help make a green burial cemetery a reality!

Our Land Needs

  • 20+ acres
  • Varied, gently sloping to level terrain
  • Beautiful view
  • Opportunities for solitude
  • Some trees and native vegetation
  • Soil that is not too rocky
  • Year round access
  • Outside of the flood plain

Donating land to Cascades Natural Burial has several advantages.  First, it allows you to preserve open space in the Methow Valley in a unique and meaningful way.  If you continue to hold adjacent land, you would benefit from fire management and noxious weed mitigation on the burial ground.  Your donation would be tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Please contact us if you are interested in donating land and would like to know more.